søndag 30. november 2008

One shin glued

Yay! One shin is actually glued! I used ABS weld to connect the two parts before I glued the strip on with E6000, the best glue I've ever used. :)

fredag 28. november 2008

Trimming the shins

AP shins are funny. They seem so nice and easy, and when you try to put them together you're soon dragged down to earth again. I feel like the whole "try to fit AP shins"-thing is like a whole afternoon with twist and shout. Mostly shouting for a long time before you finally see that you have to twist. I really hope the glue is strong enough. ;)

My right shin, behaving like it should.

My left shin, a different chapter in the book... It wont fit and you have to twist it to make it work if you're not going to cut away some of the upper edge, which doesn't look good.

The shin twisted, let's hope the glue will hold!

torsdag 27. november 2008

Blaster holster on the way!

I'm making a holster for my hasbro blaster, and thought I'd share some pics of it. It still needs a couple more buttons, a seam on the right side and some pop rivets. They are added on the pic, but I have to get some rings to add on the back side before I can pop them on. :)

Still some stuff to do :)

The holster with the blaster in it (well, my lbf's blaster that is) :)

onsdag 26. november 2008

Black helmet interior

I have given my helmet a black interior by adding one coat of primer, one coat of black and one coat of matt satin transparent lacquer. I have to paint the inside of the frown and eyes by hand.

Still have to paint a bit around the frown and eyes :)

Some more painting done, starting to look good :)

onsdag 19. november 2008

Frown cut and painted!

Yay! Finally! I've been afraid of doing this for some time now, and now it's done! I used a dremel and some different needle files for this, and some sanding for a smooth finish. I painted it with Humbrol glossy grey #5. :)

søndag 16. november 2008

Glueing belt and detonator

Both my belt and detonator is glued! The detonator will need a second date with the E6000, but the belt is nearly done! :)

First strip glued :)

I have started to glue strips to my armour parts, and the first one is done. This will take some time, as I don't have enough clamps and magnets to do them all at the same time. But there's enough to do, I still have to model the return edges on most of my parts as well. :)

I can see the end of the tunnel! :D

lørdag 15. november 2008

Shoes under construction

I have ruined my shoes today! I've ripped off the elastic band to get it replaced by a white one. I will paint my shoes before I do that, but the paint isn't here yet. I hope it'll come soon!

fredag 14. november 2008

Knee plate, thigh ammo and shoulder straps ready

I've cut out, sanded and polished the knee plate, thigh ammo and shoulder straps. The last two needs shaping with a heat gun, I'll be doing that tonight I hope. :)

torsdag 13. november 2008

Helmet coming together!

I've started working on my helmet! The decals on the back piece of the helmet are done, and the eyes are cut and polished. I have yet to find courage to cut the frown, that is one scary area to play in!

Now I have to start thinking of how to fasten my lenses! There's really no place to put the glue, as the edge on the inside of the eyes is very thin. Advice is welcome! :)

The front, I think the eyes look quite good now :)

Decals and brow trim

The back decals were too big, so I had to cut them and paint them a bit. I'm happy about how they look now!

The back of the helmet

Belt and ab plate buttons ready

I have cut out and polished the belt buttons, they are now ready to glue onto the belt. I have also done some modifications to the ab button plate, so that I can use my duckies buttons there as well. I have glued some of the buttons onto the ab plate, and I think it looks quite good. :)

The belt buttons

The ab buttons on the modified plate

The ab plate with some of the buttons glued on

onsdag 12. november 2008

Painting buttons and detonator

I am painting my buttons and my detonator, and they're starting to look good. I'm using Humbrol glossy #5 grey and #15 midnight blue. I found the buttons at a local yarnstore, they're so cute with ducks on them. Pity they have to be painted! ;)

The buttons before painting them, cute little duckies :D

The painted detonator and buttons

lørdag 8. november 2008

My blaster

Here's what my blaster looks like at the moment, stuck in a shelf with the parts I'm adding. I have added some spatula in the holes, but it'll need some more.

My work so far

Here are some of my pieces. Almost every part is ready for glue, except a leg and a thigh. The torso pieces are already velcroed, but they keep popping open when I move. I'd love some advice on that issue! :)

fredag 7. november 2008

Beltboxes done

My beltboxes are cut, sanded and polished. :)

Pics of my boots

Here they are, my new and shiny boots! Now I'll just have to get some paint. :)

Sewing canvas belts

I've been sewing canvas belts for me and my lbf! They turned out really nice. :)

Cutting the fabric with a special ruler and a rotary blade

Sewing the edge on the overlock machine

Close-up of the seam

Inside done!

Turned inside out and pinned, ready to sew the outer seams on my regular sewing machine


torsdag 6. november 2008

Still working

I'm still working on my trooper armour, sanding and polishing my pieces to make them ready for glueing. I'll try to make my ANH strips today with a cutter at school, and I'm really curious if it'll work!

I got my boots yesterday, and they fit me really well. It's the ones I have posted pics of earlier. :)

My dear Canon 450D is currently at the camera hospital, and my old Olympus is kind of not feeling well, so the pics will be limited for a short period.