I have got a lot of costume parts now, and I thought it would be nice to gather them all up for a picture. I've also got a few parts I haven't blogged yet, so it's time they get their picture taken too. :)

All my parts so far, I think I have everything except soft parts and helmet decals. The soft parts are ordered from LadySewforus, and will arrive in a few weeks time. I'm still searching for the helmet decals.

My paint. The ones in the box is for the helmet, the others are for the jetpack.

US Divers belt buckle, just need the seat belt material to finish it. Anyone have some black nylon seat belt material to spare? ;)

My beautiful aluminium studs.

Lightboard, made by Fettronics. This is version 2.1.2.

Screen accurate jetpack hooks, with cotton webbing.

My gauntlets, bought from BobbyFett. Not sure what maker, but they are fiberglass and fit me perfectly.