I have started painting my Boba Fett armour, using an Evolution airbrush and Vallejo airbrush paints. I started with silver, and will layer the other colours on top of that using masking fluid to mask the battle damage.
The airbrush is working smoothly, and I'm very happy about the results so far. I'm glad I chose an airbrush with an open cup for the paint, because it is so easy to refill. :)
My Bobamaker armour arrived in the mail today, and it is a beauty! It is all fiberglass, but it is not at all that heavy as I thought it might be. It is even small enough to fit me! It is all sanded and primed, ready for me to paint.
I am a 30 year old girl located in Norway. I am a proud member of the 501st Legion and Nordic Garrison. This blog will show my progress in building costumes and the events I attend.
Feel free to leave comments to my posts, it's always nice to get feedback! :)