mandag 1. oktober 2012

Trooping at Torucon

A few weeks ago, we trooped at Torucon in Trondheim! 

mandag 2. juli 2012

Ceremonial Leia on the way!

A while ago I bought the necklace for my Ceremonial Leia outfit! I had the bracelet already, which I got as a birthday present from my husband last year. :)

The hairpiece is done, and I have three different pairs of shoes (one of them has to be approved, right?) so I'm only missing the dress now. :)

tirsdag 29. mai 2012

Troop in Karlstad!

This weekend we trooped in Karlstad, and even though it was quiet it was fun!

My hubby tried out his new Superman outfit, and of course I had to have a picture of that. He'll get a wig for it later to make it even better. :)

 I also met the cutest family! This is how I want my family to be!

mandag 21. mai 2012

Nordic Garrison appears on TV tonight!

The TV show "Ettermiddagen" av the Norwegian channel TV2 have invited Nordic Garrison as guests in their show, and we'll be there today! We will appear early in the show, some time after 17.30. Tom Egeland, a Norwegian writer that was statist in Empire Strikes Back, will also be there.

I'll be wearing my Boushh costume! :)

søndag 6. mai 2012

Bikerscout belt

Some pics of my old bikerscout belt and how I assembled it:
I used nylon webbing for the belt, and cotton webbing for the belt box straps. The nylon belt webbing runs all the way behind the plastic, which makes it easier to quickly fix it with gaffer tape if the rivet loosens. ;)
I fastened the cotton webbing to the nylon webbing using heavy duty snaps that are also my way of fastening the thermal detonator. The two pieces of webbing are not snapped together, but rather hammered together inside the one side of the snap. The other part of the snap is on my detonator.
I used Norwegian 1 krone coins as washers. Had to cut them a bit though. They are the best washers, nice and thick, and pretty as well!

søndag 22. april 2012

Birthday present from my hubby!

I turn 30 on tuesday, and we celebrated with friends this weekend. I got lots of cool presents, and from my husband I got the Master Replicas Princess Leia blaster! Limited edition too. :) It's beautiful, and I can't wait to carry it around in my upcoming Leia costume! Thank you so much, Ole! :D

fredag 6. april 2012

Repainting the finger extentions!

Since Aurra's fingers aren't skin coloured with blood on, I had to remove the red paint and add some white.

First I removed the red paint. I dipped the fingers in acetone and whiped off the paint. When I had got the most of it off, I used a toothbrush dipped in acetone and brushed away the paint that were left in the wrinkles and follicles.

Then I used airbrush and matte white paint and misted the fingers so that the skin coloured rubber is slightly shining through like my skin will do on the hands.

Last, I finished the nails with humbrol #21, black gloss. Always wanted to do nails with humbrol!

mandag 2. april 2012

Aurra Sing finger extentions!

I've been looking for finger extentions for Aurra for a long time, but never found anything good enough. Today, I was visiting a costume & party shop, and they had some bloody hands for sale. They looked pretty good, so I gave them a try. The guy who sold them told me they were solid, but it turned out they were not! Happy! :D

I cut off the fingers to see if they were usable, and here's the result so far! They obviously need paint and lots of makeup around the seams, but I think it'll work!

onsdag 14. mars 2012

Snowtrooper abdomen plate greeble

I have finished my snowtrooper abdomen plate today! Finally found some nails I could use for the greeble, so all I had to do was cut them and glue them in place with E6000.

The abdomen greeble with nails glued on

The rear side, added some more glue to cover the nails

The package of nails, bought at Maxbo

The nails are a little rounded

søndag 22. januar 2012

Star Wars in concert with Filharmonien in Oslo

This weekend we had the pleasure of joining Filharmonien for their Star Wars concert. Our job was to do some small stunts under the concert, and mingle before and after it, and during the break.

We worked with a great conductor, Lucas Rickman, who was really nice and fun. My job was to hunt him for a bounty, so after Imperial march (last number before the break) I grabbed his arm and shoved him off the stage. After the break, we bounty hunters dragged him back on stage, and was payed off by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who obviously digged deep in his pockets to outbid our first employer. ;)

The music was great, the orchestra was great and we had a great time trooping with them again. Hope the next one is around the corner! :D

All the troopers lined up for a group photo:

The girls!

Me guarding the door: